by John Gajdos
Mayflower to mission control, we are now out of the solar system and on course to star system Rigil Kent and planet Alpha Centauri 4. The first leg of our mission has gone well and the crew is in high spirits. We had a bit of a party to celebrate. We have given some thought to the name we would give our new home and have decided to name the planet New Eden.
As you know, the fleet of robotic terraforming ships that were sent out in 2041, which took ten years to make the four light year journey, have been there now for almost ten years and all telemetry data has shown success, and all operations are running smoothly. It was also in the same year that the supply ships landed and the robots have been busy building the life support and environment control structures. The material conversion and 3D printer systems have been able to fabricate almost all the parts necessary to make everything we need from the soil of the planet. It will be another three years or so before we arrive; possibly less if the jump beyond light speed is better than anticipated. All the ships navigation and life support control will remain under the supervision of the computers until that time.
We have been traveling, now for 22 days, ship time, and we are approaching light speed, now at 99.457 percent. All systems check and running at full expectations. Impulse drives are running at 100 percent, and on computer control, ready to go to 110 percent at moment of threshold.
Twenty-nine members of the crew have entered stasis, and all life support systems are running normal. I have elected to remain awake through transition as the ship crosses light speed which we expect to cross within the hour. You should receive this message within four days on 03-28-2061 ship time. This will be our last transmission until we exit light speed as we near our new home. Keep us in your prayers, mission control. If all goes well, you should receive our next transmission in approximately seven years… It has been very hard for the crew, and myself, to say goodbye to our families and friends that we have left behind…but, I am honored to be the commander of this fine crew of brave men and women as we endeavor to expand the race of humanity into the heavens. God be with us, and with the people of earth. This is Commander Randall Payton signing off.
Mayflower to mission control, this is Commander Randall Payton…I have not gone into stasis. In fact, I have no intention of entering stasis at this point. Something,…something incredible has happened.
I don’t really know how to explain everything that has happened. To tell you the truth, for a couple of weeks, I was not really sure it was true, because, quite frankly, what has happened is, in all physical explanation, impossible. I am not hallucinating. I am not suffering delusion because of solitude. In fact, the experience has left me in such an enlightened state that I could never have imagined was possible. There is still much, however, I do not understand, and I know now, that I never will.
I have done a full diagnostic on the ships computer and all systems…over and over…and checked star charts along with first hand observation of the stars. And without any heavy body to change our course, without time or fuel in abundance enough to ever perform such a radical maneuver in space, we are now heading back to earth at half light speed.
Now, what I’m about to tell you is the honest to God’s truth. Please, you have to believe me, because I would never make this up, and there is every supporting evidence, that… that I can show you…I can show you that this is all true.
It was a little over a month ago now, when…when I had an encounter…with an entity…an intelligent life form. It was just when we were about to cross the light speed barrier that the bridge filled with multi-colored light that seemed to pulsate and swirl. At first, I thought it was just an effect of crossing light speed, but the light began to collect in front of me, until it began to form a human shape. There were no details at this point, but just a silhouette of light. It was so bright, I could hardly look at it, but I could not look away. It stood there in front of me for about a minute, and then it began to divide into two human forms. Soon, some details began to show and eventually, the light died down, and what appeared to be two human men stood in front of me, but they were not completely separated. They remained joined where they shared one hand. It was most disturbing. I was sure I had been knocked out and was dreaming, or was experiencing some sort of space dementia, due to the jump to hyper light speed. I even thought I had gone mad. They stood there silent for a moment. I finally spoke and said “Who are you?” They answered both at the same time, in perfect unison, with one voice. “I am a one, almost we.” I did not understand what that meant at first, but they explained it later. I asked “Where are you from” and they replied “I am not from a where or when. I am outside natural laws.” I asked “Why are you here?” and it told me “I warn you and save the physical dimensions from destruction.”
At this point, I reached down and activated the audio and video record systems. Here is some of conversation we had.
Entity: “I must remain an almost we and so your cameras will not see I, however, your audio will record our conversation and you will be responsible to relay this message to all of the people of your planet, Earth.”
Commander Payton: “How did you know what I just did?”
Entity: “I read your mind Commander Payton. I am aware of all thoughts and memories of yourself and your entire crew….I see you are looking at the hand, almost we share. Does that disturb you?”
Commander Payton: “Um,…yes. It kind of does.”
Entity: “Perhaps if almost we join at the foot…is that better?”
Commander Payton: “Yes, Thank you. Please forgive me. I am quite shook up over seeing you. I hope you understand. But, are you two, or one?”
Entity: “I am one, almost two. I must remain not all the way two so that we can perform the task at hand. The power is not allowed in the state of we. I am only in the state of almost we to be able to relate to you. It is to give you a recognizable image that you can feel comfortable with. I have been all the way two on your planet before, on many occasions, to watch humanity, to keep track of their advancement, and in the most extreme situations, to prevent them from destroying themselves.”
Commander Payton: “what do you know about our planet?”
Entity: “I know all there is to know in your physical realm. From your dimension to all below. Mankind, however, is still so unpredictable. I must still observe to learn more. I know some of my realm and nothing of the realms above I.”
Commander Payton: “How many realms are above us?”
Entity: “There is no number”
Commander Payton: “So why are you here, on this ship?
Entity: “That is enough record keeping for now”
That is when the recording systems switched off. What they told me next was something I had to be taught to understand, and for the next week, they stayed with me, explaining things I never would have learned from the greatest minds in our world. In fact, I learned that our greatest minds, many times, are blinded into believing things that are not true at all. I became reeducated in all things, scientific, and philosophical. The knowledge they gave me in those next few days was so far beyond what we could ever understand in our confined environment of dimension and time.
I said ‘they’, didn’t I. Well…they told me that when they are all the way two, they go by the names of Kenny and Ronny, and walk among man without any indication of them being a super entity. They said that when they visit Earth, they have to become two so the power they have will not affect the physical realm. They said they could easily destroy the entire known universe at will, but their will is never to destroy, and that was the reason they were visiting me.
Over the week long period, I did not sleep, or eat, or drink. I did not grow tired. I was sustained by their power and also given insight beyond normality so that I could understand what they told me. They said that this was only possible while they remained in their state ‘I, almost we’. They said that this was how they still had their full creational powers.
I was shown proofs of real science and that most of what I knew was lies, motivated by an atheistic view of a universe that made itself from nothing, without propose or design. The new knowledge that I was given, explained things that I had questioned for many years of my life. I came to full understanding of the creation of the universe, and that it is, in fact, very young. They explained the condition that we assumed as dark matter and how it causes the expansion of the universe, and how it affects what we observe. They also explained that when time was created, we did not start at the beginning of it, but that a past time was also created that, in essence, never really happened. This is very hard to explain, but I understand fully. I was given that ability by them.
They explained to me what life really is, starting from a cell, which is only a community of machines, all working together without any awareness. They said that in like fashion, our physical bodies are not really alive at all, but only animated. Real life is in the same relm they occupy, a step above the physical nature we are in while we remain in our bodies. It is this conscious force that is alive. If we were to cut off a body part, the part has no awareness of itself, nor does the body, but it is only the life force that preserves. It’s the life force that asks questions and seeks knowledge. The body only wants fuel and nutrition, exercise and rest. It does not care for anything beyond these matters.
They explained to me, the infinite nature of the Ultimate One who could create life and all things in the physical relm that could contain it. I began to feel a grief to all of mankind that believed that we came about by mistake. I knew, now that things did not form themselves, that in fact, it was such a stupid thing to believe, I wondered how I ever became indoctrinated into such a great lie. I then realized that the evil force at work had an agenda to destroy the life force of all humanity. Oh yeah. They also said that they were the ones responsible for the disappearance of the "Great Tyrant" of 2018.
At some point during this learning time, something happened that I was quite unaware of until they finally told me why they had to visit the Mayflower. This was the first ship that could finally pass the speed of light, or so we thought. They explained to me that there is a reason that the speed of light is the speed limit of the universe. They said that they are supernatural, and the relm of beyond speed of light travel is reserved for them, and for those who have left their bodies in death, and had been kept from the abyss. Yes, it’s true. Heaven and Hell are real.
They explained that there is no speed limit beyond the speed of light. In other words, we cannot travel a little faster than light, or twice as fast or ten times as fast. Once beyond the speed of light, travel is infinitely fast. The implications of this are that if we would have been allowed to cross the barrier, we would have suddenly, and permanently, occupied every location in the entire universe, in a frozen state of stopped time. It would have annihilated all of existence for all intensive purposes.
They told us that they had observed us on Earth, listening to the sky for decades for any indication of intelligence out there. They told me that there was a reason that we never, even once, heard any indication at all of life, and that is because, there is none. They said that earth was the only place in the entire universe that was created to support life. We should have realized it a long time ago, before we did so much damage, and we were only looking for another place to eventually destroy, and so, they stopped us. They also informed us that the planet we were headed for was lifeless, and could never support life. They said that the robots and other equipment had broken down around three years ago, leaving the dwellings only half built. We were on a suicide mission.
It was only after all of this that they informed me of their action taken against the mission. They told me that during the week, the ship was instantaneously turned around, and reduced to half light speed. They said that the computers would keep the ship on course, enter earth’s orbit and wake up the crew. They also told me that the entire crew, in their dream state, had observed all that had taken place, and been given the same enlightenment I had received. I would not be alone with my story. There will be no confusion when the crew is revived.
After this, they told me that we were all to disperse and tell the world what we had learned. We are to crush the false information that has infected the minds of mankind. Then they left… When I think back about all this, I think…it was an angel.
I am still a good 6 months from Earth. I am just able to make out the solar system and a few of the planets with the optical telescope. This mission will not be in vain. I will be making observations along the way. I have already observed many anomalies out here, which, with my new state of mind, I may be able to explain. I have taken new charts of the stars from out here that show some new stars that were eclipsed by our previous charts. Also, at this great distance from earth, we will have new 3D photos of the sky, and thus, far more accurate measurements of the distances. I have seen a couple renegade planetoids out here, drifting in the emptiness. I have detected masses of dark matter areas, which are not at all what you think. I will explain it all when I get back
The most important thing is that we know, now, that the only other life in the universe is supernatural. In fact, as I now see it, they are natural and we are in the sub nature. I can now feel my life force…my soul…as something eternal and separate from my body, yet confined to it until my time to depart has come. And although I am saddened by the state of man with my new understanding, I am encouraged that we can change things before we utterly destroy ourselves. There is hope that mankind can get along... And, they told me one more thing. They said……… they said…that they, somehow, altered time, so that when we get back, we will have only been gone for three months….. We are going to see our loved ones again……
We bring new wisdom to the Earth…the new Earth. We are coming home.

What lies ahead for the captain of the Starship Mayflower
as it heads for its new home among the stars?
Now, this story is in movie form