John Edward Gajdos
It is time to look at the facts about the origin of life. It seems that there are two possibilities; either we evolved from one animal to the next, or we were created, each animal to it's own design.
The theory of evolution states that all life came from a chance formation of a single cell and began to change into more and more complex creatures, all the way up to man. This process would have to include the mutation of cells into specialized tissues that would each carry out a particular job for the community of cells that make up complex life forms.
Creation states that all life came into being from the will of a creator, each with specific design in them that would replicate it’s self over and over without changing from one animal to the next. This is something that all living creatures do. (Intelligent design is the minimal admission that there must have been some sort of design in the formation of all forms of life.)
Some would want to introduce a third possibility of life on earth, and say that our planet was "seeded" by an alien race from another planet, but that does not explain where they came from, so this idea is pointless.
Cross breading is out of the question. Only animals that are the same kind can crossbreed and result in a wide verity of offspring, but dogs can not breed with cats.
If we look at fossil records, we find that all fossils can be sorted into discreet categories. We find no fossils that show slight changes from one creature to the next. The fact is, there would have to be millions of more fossils showing the slight changes, so many, in fact, that the evidence of evolution would be overwhelming if it were true. The real fossil records show that animals showed up suddenly, and not over a long period of time.
Here is a thought experiment to give us a better picture of the evidence we have. Let’s take all the fossils and mix them up and bury them. Now lets start digging them up and sorting them out. Every time we find a fossil, we will begin a pile, but make sure that the piles are far enough apart to allow the millions of years of evolution to fill in the gaps. Each fossil we find goes in a particular pile, or will begin a new pile with more of the same animals to follow. We end up with separated piles that are really far apart from each other because all the fossils that should prove evolution are missing. If evolution were true, we would have a continuos pile of slightly changing animals and it would be hard to place each fossil to its exact position in the process. There would also be millions of times more fossils. With the evidence we really have, not finding the missing fossils would be like picking all the red M&M's from a swimming pool, blindfolded, and never finding any other color of M&M. The fact is that there are no fossils showing change from one animal to the next and therefore, there is no evidence for the theory of evolution.
The evolutionists have always been frustrated by the fact that there is no evidence at all to back up their claims. This lack of evidence is what led to the little talked about theory of "The Hopeful Monster" which states that there were sudden changes in life, in that whole new animals would emerge from other life forms. The most famous argument is that a bird was hatched from the egg of a lizard, an animal built to fly born from a reptile. The reason you do not hear about this theory is that it is even more unlikely than the theory of evolution. We must remember too, that evolution is still referred to as a theory because it has never been proven. (On the other hand, many of Einstein's theories regarding relativity are no longer theory because we have found evidence to prove that they are true. GPS satellites would be off by miles without Einstein's calculations)
Evolution and the hopeful monster theory both state that animals had to change form one to the next. For the sake of argument, lets assume that either theory were true. For it to work, these conditions would be required.
1. An exact same mutation in both a female and a male animal would have to come into existence within each other's lifetime.
2. The two mutations would have to be near enough to find each other to propagate the new animal.
3. This would have to happen for every animal that ever existed, including plants.
It is claimed that survival of the fittest filtered out the mutations that would not make a good animal. It is also claimed by evolution that lizards mutated into birds. Imagine an animal with two legs in back and two short useless stumps that can neither grasp or fly. What we do know is that when mutations happen, they always result in malformation that is detrimental to the animal.
It is obvious that there is great design in every part of living creatures. Our eyes are amazing. It is what we model our cameras after. How is any mindless, unconscious process going to come up with a precision device for detecting light, shape and colors, much less, two of them so we can see in 3D?
The theory of evolution came in to being at a time when we had very little knowledge of the extremely complex makeup and workings of a single cell. We did not yet have the technology at that time to examine the cell like we can today. It turns out that a living cell is unlike any other life form. The goings on in each cell is like a complex factory that works like one giant super-machine complete with roadways, turbine motors, copy machines, maintenance, traffic control and a host of other amazing devices, all working together to replicate the cell identically, time after time. If a cell has any sort of consciousness, it knows exactly what it is doing and yet, a cell is actually a very complex community of molecular robotic machines. It shows every indication of engineering and design. There is design even in the lowest forms of life.

Here, we see the duplication of the DNA molecule. As the double strand is divided, one side can be copied directly, but the other side must be copied backwoods in short segments. How could this ever come about without design?
The design of the world also includes the fact that there is beauty, which is really not a requirement for life. There is also love and hate, and therefore, good and evil. That means that we also have the capacity to choose what we will do. We have free will. There is also the super nature with plenty of evidence that it exists. How can evolution explain that?
We humans are separated far from the animals. It' true that we share many of the same traits as far as structure, but it is required by the physical realm in which we exist. However, we have been given far more abilities than the animals. We clothe ourselves. We communicate with language. We build amazing things and change the face of the earth. We build machines that fly and even go to the moon and beyond. We make music with instruments and voices in unison with others. We compete in games and gymnastics to entertain each other. We create artworks of all kinds just so they can be enjoyed by all. We ask question about our world and the universe and we educate ourselves so we can learn more.
The sad truth however, something I learned a long time ago, is that people will believe what they want, even in the face of evidence. Some people who read this will still stubbornly believe that evolution is true. Most of the time, their motivation is that if we evolved, there is no need for a creator, and so we don't have to answer to him. They think that if they don't believe in God, he simply will go away. To them, I have this to say. You did not imagine your way into this world, and you will not imagine your way out if it.
It turns out that there are many more discoveries being made today in the medical field using the intelligent design approach than those by evolutionary theory. Remember that the real fossil record shows that no evolution ever happened. It would go that from a scientific observation, that intelligent design is the proper direction to progress in our knowledge of the universe. It is time to leave the old behind, as has happened so many times in the history of scientific investigation.
Science does not have all the answers, but it has given mankind the ability to progress our technology at an ever-increasing rate. Science today, however, will not except the possibility that we were created. It seems that the goal of science today is to prove that God does not exist. Respected scientists and teachers have been fired and blacklisted at the mere mention of the possibility of intelligent design. The schools are forced to teach evolution to our children and will not allow the discussion of creation as the origin of life. How hopeless and meaningless must life seem to those who believe that our universe is just a big mistake? It is time to look at the facts about the origin of life. It is time to take a scientific look at evolution, creation, and the evidence that exists. ----------------------------
It turns out that evolution is simply a religion for people who refuse to believe in a higher power. They think that science can explain everything but it can not examine those things that are in the supernatural realm. According to evolution, the supernature shouldn’t even exist.
Man has an amazing imagination, but when he imagines that there is no Creator, he has to try to imagine the universe back to even before it ever existed. Evidence shows however, that the universe came into existence pretty much as it is now, and never went through the transformations that evolution would have you believe. Animals and man had to come into existence full-grown. You can not expect to start life as a sperm and egg, or even a baby, and hope it survives.
The great lie of evolution has brought about many social disorders such as racism, communism, socialism, genocide, euthanasia, abortion, and even an increase in homosexual practice, by reducing the values of morality. In other words, without a God, there is no right and wrong. To the evolutionist, we are no more than a higher form of animal.
Here are some other points that disprove evolution.
The universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate, which is not a characteristic of a “big bang”
Nothing can come from nothing by itself.
The moon is leaving the earth at a rate that would have escaped the earth by now if it were billions of years old. The moon could never have been captured by Earth’s gravity. It would have had to slow down to inject itself into an almost perfectly round orbit. Another amazing thing is that in perfect balance, the moon rotates once per orbit. We have never seen the other side of the moon from Earth in all of man’s history.
Saturn’s rings are deteriorating at a rate that they would have been gone by now if they were billions of years old.
The sun is shrinking at a rate that would have made life on earth impossible even one million years ago.
We have witnessed hundreds of stars exploding, but never seen even one new star form. Gasses in a vacuum, especially hot gasses, never collect together. They can only expand
The layers of the earth, supposedly millions of years old, are smooth and show no signs of weathering, water run-off or erosion. (Only the top layer shows this.) They resemble the same layering you would find in any flooded out area.
Stalagmites form much faster than evolutionists’ claim. Some found in abandoned coal mines have grown over 10 feet long in only 50 years
Coal forms much faster than evolutionists’ claim. Some coal has been found with gold chain, shoe sole, and other human artifacts embedded within it
Fossils do not form unless they are buried. Otherwise, the dead animals get eaten and rot

Trees have been found all over the world buried vertically through what would be “millions of years” of layers. They were buried by flood sediments.
There have never been any intermediate fossils found. (Fossils that are “in-betweens”)
Life can not come from non-living matter
There is no way to evolve two sexes
There are thousands of life forms that are interdependent with other life forms that should be separated on the evolutionary scale by millions of years
There are no living transitional forms of life
Mutations always destroy DNA – they never result in additional information for new specifically designed characteristics that require knoledge to design them.
DNA is by far the most complex data storage system that exists. In each of the 120 trillion cells in your body are packed 6 feet of DNA To stretch out all the DNA in your body would take over 42 hours at the speed of light or 130 times to the sun.
The molecular machinery inside living cells that build, process, and deliver proteins made from the information provided by the DNA molecule are more complex than the space shuttle. It is virtually impossible for a cell to accidentally form and come to life by mistake
Evolution is simply a belief that is based on speculation, circular reasoning and conjecture. (This fossil is this old because of this layer. This layer is this old because of this fossil) Evolutionists will even try to hide or destroy evidence that proves evolution is wrong

Haeckel’s drawings of embryos look nothing like the actual embryos. Haeckel was convicted of fraud by his own university for this, and yet his drawings are still in textbooks.

Radio Carbon Dating is highly inaccurate. Living animals have been dated at thousands of years old
Soft dinosaur tissue has been found that proves they did not die off millions of years ago.

Nebraska Man was fabricated from a pig’s tooth
Piltdown man was the skull of a man fitted to the jaw of an ape, “aged” with acid, buried, and “rediscovered”
“Lucy” has been confirmed to be the bones of an ape
Pithecanthropus was fabricated from the kneecap of an elephant that was thought to be a skullcap of a cave man
Neanderthal Man has been confirmed fully human. The first specimen found had arthritis, which hunched him over and kept him from walking upright
The supposed fossil of a half bird / half lizard was found to be a composite of animal parts, cement and glue
Evolution goes against the laws of thermodynamics.
All organized systems move toward a less organized state. Things break down. They do not become more complex.

The law of the conservation of angular momentum states that things that fly off of a rotating object will rotate in the same direction. Some planets and moons in our solar system rotate in the “wrong” direction and have widely varying degrees of axis tilts. Some moons orbit in the “wrong” direction
The mountains were formed during the worldwide flood. There are seashells on mountaintops. (I have picked them up on several occasions myself) As water was released from within the earth, huge cave-ins caused the mountains and valleys to form
The oldest living trees are 4,400 years old. Why? The flood destroyed the ones living beforehand
The Gulf of Mexico is depositing material at a rate that would have built the delta all the way to Africa if the earth were billions of years old
The top end of the Grand Canyon is higher at the bottom end of the river. The river could not have formed the canyon
The Niagara Falls erode the land at a rate that would have put it many miles farther back from where it is now if it were billions of years old
There are drawings, paintings, carvings and sculptures, stories and histories of dragons in cultures around the world. They are recognizable as what we call dinosaurs
There are stories in cultures around the world describing the worldwide flood
The ark has been located and fits the description of materials used to make it, shape, size, design and dimension, and location of where it came to rest. It has the capacity of over 550 railroad cars
Even the evolutionists have to see something wrong with this
Take a long slow look at the pictures from bottom to top depicting how lizards changed into birds.
The two left legs of the lizard begin to change into the two legs of the bird. ...The right hind leg changes into the right wing. The left wing begins to show in a patch of color and then magically grow from the back, (not from the front leg) And the tail, which had to remain in that curved position for generations, slowly fades in from nothingness till it is finally solid. Finally, we have an animal built to fly, having all the necessary functional parts for aerodynamics from an animal that would have been just as happy to keep on the ground. Can you begin to see the lies you have been being fed for the past 150 years?
Please begin to do your own research and stop believing things just because you heard it somewhere. Many scientists who started out as atheists are now believers in creation because they actually follow the rules of science, to dismiss what can not be proven right, or in this case, to dismiss what has been proven wrong.

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I hope I have shown you some things you have never seen before and helped you to think about things in a new light. My research continues into the speculations of the evolution of the universe which also shows direct evidence that it is much younger than people think and is formed in ways that could never have happened by mistake.