I was going to write this as a story, and it’s a true story, but being this is Christmas, I wanted to give everyone something special.
John Gajdos
It was getting near Christmas
And on 30th street
I just left the house
Walking through snow and sleet
To the fast food place
Where I had a job
Prepping food to serve up
To the daily lunch mob
Cutting lettuce and tomatoes
To just the right size
And filling up baskets
With frozen French fries
But I also had talent
The boss lady knew
So she used to give me
Other jobs I could do
Like painting the windows
Just last Halloween
So, since Christmas was coming
I did the same thing
With reindeer and Santa
And snowmen and ice
Bells, snowflakes and ribbons
It really looked nice
But today would be different
From my work I would pause
To go out in public
And play Santa Claus
So the time came for me
To go in the back
And put on the suit
And the boots and the hat
And I picked up the bag
Full of candy and toys
And I went out to see
All the girls and boys
There was even a
Radio station out there
And they interviewed me
As I sat in a chair
And kids all came by
And they told me their wishes
And I knew this was better than
Doing the dishes
I could see the cars driving
Past the front door
And I knew kids would be
Coming in by the score
One car stopped for a moment
I could just make it out
A young boy standing up
In the seat jumped about
I saw he could see me
And I saw him too
I thought they’d be in
In a minute or two
“I want to see Santa”
And it seemed like a crime
As I saw his dad’s lips say
“We haven’t got time”
I thought “That’s not right”
And “How could this be?”
And since I was Santa
He came to see me
I got to my feet
My boots squeaked on the floor
I grabbed candy canes
And shot out the back door
I stopped in the drive way
And I felt like a cop
As I put up my hand
And I told the man “Stop!”
Then I walked around
To the passenger door
To greet the young lad
He was probably four
I leaned in and said
With a voice deep and true
“I’ll bet that you thought
I was gonna miss you”
With his hands up and trembling
He looked up with glee
As he thought “Santa Clause
Just came out to see me!”
His smile was amazing
His eyes, how they twinkled
His eyebrows were raised
And his forehead was wrinkled
His father looked up at me
Just a little bit shy
And said “Thank you Santa”
I said “No problem guy”
Then I looked at his son
Overwhelmed with such joy
And I gave him a candy cane
And a small toy
I exclaimed “Merry Christmas”
And “Have a nice day”
And I waved as the man
And his son drove away
And I felt very warm
In the pit of my chest
And I felt that somehow
I had just done my best
And I wish that all people
Could feel the joy
How it felt to bring happiness
To that one little boy
I went back inside
With a new kind of sight
As I looked at the people
And I saw the plight
Of the hustle and bustle
Distraction and bills
That stifled these people
Robbing them of their thrills
And I wanted to give them
The feeling in me
Something everyone had
They could give away free
Something they needed too
And the rest of the day
I played Santa Claus
In a new kind of way
And the kids came to see me
And I gave out the toys
And I told them to be
Good girls and boys
And I said their folks love them
And I said that it’s true
That it’s good to do what
Your folks tell you to do
And I laughed and I jiggled
And said “HO HO HO”
Till the clock said it’s time
For Santa to go
And even when I
Put the costume away
I had a great feeling that
Warmed me all day
And I’ll never forget it
And now, neither will you
Of just how much
One little action can do
So I give you this message
And I’m willing to bet
That you’ll share this feeling
With more people yet
So Merry Christmas to everyone
And from my heart to you
May love, overflowing
Be yours to give too