Here are some letters we have received about our album.
I thought I would write you to let you know that I am listening to the
CD right now and I'm so excited for all you guys. Its awesome. I love it. How
much did you want for this CD? I'll send you a check. I'm keeping it for my own
enjoyment. I'm just sitting here with chills. It's so beautiful I can't explain. I
think if I were a critic I would give you all thumbs up. It's really awesome.
The voices are all great. I can hardly figure out what to write to you. All I
really really think is you guys are great great great. I will play it to all my
friends and hope that they will think the same and want to purchase the CDs.
Good luck to all of you and God bless the band with plentiful rewards. Thanks
for letting us have the privilege to enjoy your first CD.
Karen and Michelle - Orlando, Fl.
Hi Johnny,
Just wanted to let you know that I got the CD. Listened to it with the kids,
we all liked it a lot. Anton (my 11yr old) specifically told me to tell you
that he really liked it. Anna (13) liked the cover. She's very impressed
with your art. I of course enjoyed seeing and hearing both. The music is
interesting, I liked the different styles. I don't know a lot about music,
but I heard things that reminded me a little of Pink Floyd, then some of
Fleetwood Mac and some other stuff in there too. It all worked very well and
was fun to listen to.
Ruthie - St. Louis Mo.
Hi John,
That is a KILLER cd, I'm quite impressed with all those great influences. "you must have learned something after all those years" I made a cassette so I can listen in my p/u truck, I hear something new at each listen.
Thanx Again, Dave - Amherst, Oh.
You guys can put out my letter if you like. I'm
glad it touched you that way. I felt like I couldn't express it enough. I did
indeed let my husband's son take the CD one night to listen to it in the car
and his friend borrowed it and I am trying to get it back. It seems it is a
hit down here with even the younger group. 22-26. His friend has had it already
for 3 days. When I get it back I'm going to tell them they can purchase it
from you guys and leave mine alone!
Karen - Orlando Fl.
Thanks for the CD. Sounds Great! I always knew you guys had this kind of
stuff in you. I just can't believe it took this long to get it out.
David and Jama - Dallas Tx.
Hey John,
Guess what? I got the CD yesterday and I love it!! Gosh when I heard Terry
singing it brought back so many memories it was unreal!!!!! Tell him I want
to hear that one song he used to do down at Tri-State about that girl I cant
remember the name. He might remember oh well tell him I said hello and I
loved the CD it was great
Wendy - Port St. Joe, Florida
Our mutual friend Larry gave me a copy of your wonderful CD. The first time
I heard it I was driving around in pouring rain. My destination was only 5
minutes away but I drove around for an hour just listening to your music.
I didn't want it to end...
Carol Mitchell, Mesa Arizona
Good to hear from you. I think the CD is great ! Some of the tracks sound like Pink Floyd, some others sound a little like a Windham Hill Sampler and "The Pop Song" sounds sort of like "They Might Be Giants".
Ken - Columbus Oh.