I have come to realize that my house is haunted. There has been evidence for years, but in the last few months, it is undeniable. All of the accounts you are about to read are true.
There is a ghost in the black house.

It was the most intense manifestation we had experienced in the house to date. There have been many other incidents that have
suggested something beyond normal activity, but nothing quite so bazaar as what happened last Tuesday evening. The house is well over 100 years old and the windows leak air so on windy days, the doors bump and rattle. Much of the complaints of the people who have stayed here were due to the natural moans and groans of the tired old structure.
The house was built of rough cut stone and painted black, a strange color for a house, but it somehow seemed appropriate. The interior walls are the old style of slats and plaster and some of the walls have swollen and cracked with age. Each room in the house had a gas line with a cap on it coming from one of walls where there used to be a gas lantern for light. Electricity had been installed when the gas lines were capped, but even the wiring is so old, it is covered with rotting cloth insulation.
Regardless of its natural creaking, the house seemed to have a presence that would from time to time give hints of its existence. There have been many people who have lived in this old boarding house, including the landlord who grew up here as a child. Many who have stayed here have experienced strange goings on. It was a few years ago now when my niece was living upstairs in the smallest room in the house. She used part of a broken broom handle to hold open the old window that had long ago lost the rotting ropes for the counterweights inside the window frame. One day when she was about to open the window, she could not find the broom handle. She looked everywhere in the room, behind and under furniture and in the closet. It was nowhere to be found. In her frustration, she tore the place apart with no results. It was just over a week later when she walked into the room and found the broom stick lying on the floor just below the window in plain sight. There was another occasion in the same room when she was sitting on her bed and she felt something sit next to her.
I had rented two of the upstairs rooms in the house for myself, one for a bedroom and one for a living room. One day while I was sitting at my computer, there was a loud bang against the lower portion of the door, as if someone had thrown a beanbag as hard as they could. I jumped and said "Hello?" but no one answered. I got up and quickly went to the door to see who was playing with me. When I opened the door, I expected to find something lying there that had made such a loud sound, but there was nothing there at all. I went downstairs, but there was no one home. It was a creepy feeling to find myself alone at that point. There was no explanation for the sudden sound. It was not a windy day and so the house was quiet from its normal grumbling.
Many of those who have stayed here have told me that they hear footsteps going back and forth in the hallway upstairs. One young man who stayed in the room that was Kellie’s room and is now my bedroom said he heard footsteps above his head in the attic. He heard them cross his ceiling and go down the steps and come to a stop where the attic door is. He was most disturbed about it. Some have said they have seen shadows cross the living room.
Keeping all this in mind, I have still been a bit skeptical, always looking for some kind of explanation to the things that have happened in the old house. Last Tuesday evening, however, I have finally decided that there is in fact, something in the house that is not of this world. There were three of us in the living room at the time. We did not see anything, we did not hear anything, the room did not go cold, but what happened defies all the laws of anything natural.
Here then, is the account of what happened on Tuesday June 26th 2012. We had gotten some movies from the library and I went to the DVD player to take out the move we had just finished watching. I closed the drawer, and returned the movie to its case. I always try to keep movies in order, especially ones borrowed from the library. I then sat down on the couch to look over the other movies to decide what to watch next. I had two choices in mind, a Pink Floyd concert, or an old favorite science fiction movie I had not seen in years. Eric was standing across the room and his friend C.J. was in a chair texting someone. I said "Do you guys want to see a concert?" then I thought that a concert would be too long to watch being it was getting a bit late, so I said"…or we could watch something short like Futurama." Eric said, "I love Futurama". He walked past the T.V. and as he did, he bent down for a moment and picked up a mini sized game disk from the floor and set it on top of the game cube and continued into the next room. I picked up the case for Futurama and quickly paged through the DVD’s to see that there were 3 in the case and began to remove the first DVD from the right side of the case. Then, Eric said "actually, I probably won’t be able to pay attention to it right now." so I closed the case for Futurama and reached for the concert video. As I did, the menu for the first disk of Futurama came up on the screen. I asked Eric "Did you put that disk in?" and he said, "No I didn’t touch it." (I own a series of Futurama and thought that he may have put in one of the disks from that collection.) I said "Well I didn’t put it in, and I know C.J. didn’t because he has been sitting there all along”. I realized that Eric couldn’t have inserted the DVD because I watched him walk by and he never touched the player. We were all a bit shook at that moment wondering what had just happened. None of us would touch or even go near the TV and for over an hour we could do nothing but talk about the event that had just taken place. We even made a quick video with Eric’s cell phone to document what we just witnessed.
For as many times I have re-run the situation over in my mind, I always come up with the same conclusion. What happened was impossible, but it happened. I know that Eric could not have put the DVD in the player. He had walked by, picked up the game disk, set in on the game cube and continued to the next room in one continuous motion. If he had put a disk in, he would have had to stop and wait for the drawer to open. He would have also had to remove the disk from the case which I had in my hand. He would have also wanted to see Futurama, but he had just expressed that he didn’t want to see it. I did not put the DVD in the player because I had not decided yet what we were going to watch next and I never left the couch. C.J. never moved from his chair. None of us had put the disk in. We then noticed that the case said that the collection had 4 DVD’s, not 3. The first DVD, which would have been on the left side of the open case, was missing before I had even opened it. Later that evening, Eric finally went to the DVD player and opened the drawer. It was disk number one of Futurama from the library.
The next day, I went to the library and got on one of their computers to see my account and how many items I had checked out. The list of items includes a picture and a description of each item. Strangely enough, I had 13 items out, but only one picture showed up, and that was Futurama. The next day, I took Futurama and a handful of other movies back to the library. After a while, I got on one of the computers to check my account. It said I had 7 items out and one of them was Futurama. I then went to the front desk to clear up the matter.
I am not saying that Futurama is haunted. It could have been any of the DVD’s we had, but whatever moved the DVD to the player did it not as if filling a request, but almost as if to say "Oh really? You won’t pay attention to Futurama? We’ll see about that!" I am now convinced that my house is haunted. I know that there is a supernatural realm. I know that God and Satan are real and so are angels and demons. I do not believe in ghosts as people usually think of them. I do not believe that people's spirits hang in limbo waiting to move on. I do believe that a demon will take on the appearance of someone who has died to confuse people. After all, they are here to lie and deceive us. I am not afraid, but it has left a creepy feeling behind and an uneasy anticipation of what may happen next
The clothes folded at the end of the bed
Rick has lived in this house for as long as I can remember. Kellie’s father lived here years before me and I have been here for over 20 years myself. Rick keeps to himself. I almost never see him unless he is headed for work or coming home. He locks himself in his room while he is here and locks the room behind him when he leaves. Rick’s room is the only room in the house that I have never seen in all the time I’ve been here. I don’t know of anyone else who has seen it either. Needless to say, Rick is the only one who goes in his room.
I told Rick about the things that have been happening lately and he told me that years ago, he also had a couple strange experiences. He said that one morning he woke up and found his clothes folded and arranged neatly at the foot of his bed. He also said that his glasses showed up in a really strange place but he couldn’t remember where that was.
The two remote controls
One day, I was lying in bed watching a video and the channels started changing on the TV. I picked up the remote and it was blinking like someone was pressing the buttons. It finally stopped and I returned to watching my video. The remote has never done that before and it has not done it again since. Later, when I told Rick about it, he said that his remote was not where he always put it and he found it jammed between the wall and a piece of furniture a few feet away from its normal spot. I think these two events happened on the same day.
The lid to the grill
I have a nice big front porch and I cook out there quite a bit. One day after a storm, the lid to the grill was missing. It has blown off the porch numerous times before, but this time I could not find it. Around a week later, Kellie and I wanted to cook out, but we really needed the lid for the grill. I wondered if the lid could have blown to the house next door. No one was living there at the time and so I went and looked around the yard and house and around my house too. I could not find the grill lid anywhere. We decided to use the lid from a broiling pan to cover the food on the grill.
A few days later, Kellie and I took a walk downtown and go to the library. When we got back, we came inside the house for a moment, and then went out to sit on the front porch. I looked down and said "Look". The lid to the grill was right in front of us, but it was in a strange position. It was on its back resting on one edge of the lid and the handle. If someone would have borrowed my grill lid, (and who would do that anyway) and returned it, they most likely would have carried it by the handle and set it down strait up, or maybe even on the grill.
The knife trick (This is where the story gets scary)
I was standing at the sink full of dishes and washing a couple things so I could make something to eat. With my hands wet and out in front of me over the sink, I stepped back and turned to the left. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a knife dropping from my chest and tumbling to the floor. It happened so quickly, but I saw that the knife had started from a position with the handle at my stomach and the tip at my chest. It did not just fall straight down like a dart, but it fell over as if someone’s finger was under the bottom of the handle causing the top to tumble over before heading for the floor. As I bent to pick up the knife I thought, "What the heck just happened?" It was a one-piece stainless steel steak knife with a crisscross pattern etched into the handle. The tip of the blade was slightly bent from using it as a screwdriver one day. I wondered if I had dropped something into the sink and caused the knife to flip into my chest, but I didn’t see anything like that happen, or hear any sudden sounds and in fact, I didn’t even feel the knife hit me. The only presence of the knife I felt was that it was against my loose fitting shirt. I was confused, but I blew it off as some sort of freak accident and nothing more.
Two days later it happened again. This time, I was only washing a fork. With the fork in my right hand, my hands wet and over the sink, I turned to the left and the knife materialized out of nowhere and dropped from my chest in the very same fashion as before. I picked up the stainless steel steak knife and had a close look at the tip. It was the very same knife. This time I knew it was the ghost. About a week later it happened again, but this time it was a different knife, another steak knife but with a plastic handle. I was barefoot and the tip of the knife hit me in the foot. I was not injured.
October 2nd 2012 a knife dropped from my chest for the forth time. A rounded butter knife this time and in the same fashion as before.

Rapping wood inside the pillow
One night as I was lying down to go to sleep, I had just gotten comfortable lying on my right side. I was just beginning to feel like I could doze off when suddenly a loud sound came from inside my pillow. It sounded as if my ear was against bare wood, and someone had hit it four times rapidly, like a quick drum roll. It startled me awake. I have to admit that it may have been a dream, but if it was, it was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I have had vague visions as I was passing into sleep, but never a loud sound like the one I had just heard.
The spinning spatula
Kayla, a young lady around 20 years of age who is a friend of my roommate, came out on the front porch and sat next to me on the bench. She turned to me and said, "Well, the ghost said hello". I asked "What Happened?" She said that as she turned around from the sink and looked at the kitchen table, a spatula turned in the dirty casserole dish 90 degrees, stopped and then turned another 90 degrees. She said it moved as smooth as could be, like it was floating.
The knife in the bed
Eric was in the living room working on his cell phone with a butter knife to loose some buttons that had gotten stuck. He set the knife down for a moment and when he went to pick it up, it was gone. While still seated, he looked around for the knife. He then looked up toward his bedroom and saw the knife lying on his bed.
The hatch at the bay window
In the dining room of the house, which is now a bedroom, there is a bay style window with a cabinet built in the wall underneath it. It has a hatch door on the top. As Eric and his girlfriend, Heather were sleeping, a sudden loud banging emanated from inside the cabinet. It was such a violent pounding that the hatch door rattled and jumped. Both Eric and Heather were suddenly awake. Eric told me that all they could say over and over was "What the ____ is that" and "Oh my God" The pounding finally stopped. Eric said they were both terrified. They held each other tight. Later when Heather told me about their experience, she said, "I have to admit that I was crying. I was so scared."

Noise on the front porch and at the door
One stormy night when C.J. was here, he thought he heard furniture moving around on the front porch and the sound of a key at the front door. It may have been the wind, or maybe not.
Something in the chair
In the last few days, when I sit in my recliner, I have felt a trembling in my right side and back. I had been doing an unusual amount of walking lately, though I am used to walking about 100 miles a month, I thought my side was having little tremors and nothing more. Last night (10-03-12) I sat and felt it again, and then I felt something push me in the small of my back. It was not a muscle reaction. It was something else. When I told Eric about it, he said "It’s funny you should mention that. The same thing has been happening to me."
Beer bottles
10/14/12 Eric has informed me that bottles of beer that were half drank and left over night to go flat have been suddenly foaming up and over the top for no reason and for more than a few seconds at a time. Kayla later told me that she witnessed this happening on several occasions.
The Lava Lamp
It has occurred to me that something that happened a couple months back may have also been the ghost. I was ready to blame someone of spilling my lava lamp and replacing the liquid with water and food coloring, because the lamp had changed from a deep plum color to bright green over night. It was quite sudden, nothing gradual about it. It still works like it is supposed to so the fluid has not been replaced.
So as you see, my house really is haunted. All of these accounts are really true. Most of it has happened in the last few months and by keeping these records, I almost felt like I’ve opened a can of worms. However, it has been quiet lately, but who knows. It is Halloween.

Locked in a room
I had to work Halloween night. Before I left the house there was a party started, and it was already going pretty well. I worked untill midnight.
When I came home from work, there was an air of uneasy excitement in the house, and Eric told me that he and five others were in a room upstairs, where I am now, when the door slammed shut and locked. They were trapped and had to call someone to kick in the door. This particular door does not lock. It has a hook and eye on the inside of the room for that very reason. Like all the doors in this house, it requires a skeleton key. When the door finally gave way, it slammed into the wall so hard that the doorknob made a large hole in the plaster. There was almost no damage to the door mechanism.
One box knocked off of another
Several of us were sitting in the living room when an empty box was knocked off of another one. The boxes were around 12 inches on a side and the top one was empty
Kettle moved from one sink to the other
I had just washed a cup on the right side of the sink because the dishes were stacked too high on the left side of the sink to get a cup under the faucet. A few minutes later, Kellie, Tony and I heard a clatter in the kitchen. Tony and Kellie went to see what was going on. When Kellie came back to the living room, she asked me if I had moved a kettle from the left to the right half of the sink. I said, “No, I just washed a cup on the right side.” I went to the kitchen with Kellie and found the kettle in the right half of the sink, leaving no room to get under the faucet, but the faucet was over the right sink where I had just left it. I told Kellie “See? Here is where I just washed a coffee cup. The faucet is where I left it”
Sounds of a little girl playing
Kellie and Tony have both told me that they have been hearing the sounds of a little girl laughing and bouncing a ball against the wall at the landing of the steps. Many have heard footsteps on the second floor when no one is up there
The guitar playing
Eric, Tony and Kellie were in the living room when suddenly the guitar let out a sound. When Eric told me about it, he said it was a single high note. Later Kellie told me that it sounded like a strum as she dragged her fingers across all the strings to demonstrate. Tony said, “I heard a single low note” and plucked the low string on the guitar. All three heard something different at the same time.
The Die
We were all sitting on the floor playing Monopoly. Hammy who was sitting on my right, had just rolled the dice. He was sitting on the floor with one knee up and his foot flat on the floor, and the other leg folded underneath him. One of the dies shot behind him on the outside of his foot and a moment later, shot forward again from the inside of his foot. I saw this happen and it just looked strange. Hammy, who was also confused began bouncing the die against his leg to try to reproduce what had just happened. He eventually gave up and went back to the game.
Another time, when we were playing a dice game, something very strange happened. Rachel threw the dice for her turn, and one of the dice stood on its corner. I said “don’t move, I’m going to go get my camera.” I ran upstairs and got the camera and came back down. These are the pictures I took. Now, I will not rule out the possibility of the die coming to rest on its corner. There is a very remote chance of it happening, but none of us had ever seen it happen before, and being that the ghost had messed with the dice during a game of Monopoly, I had to consider; could this be another supernatural event?

Door sliding shut
As Kellie and I were sitting in the living room watching TV, the sliding door behind the TV was open about 6 inches and suddenly slid shut.
Lost jewelry
Kellie had lost some jewelry months ago when she first moved back in to the house. She had checked all her purses looking through every pocket. She had also switched out purses several times. She had just told Tony about the jewelry she had been looking for, from such a long time ago. She was sitting on the couch and opened her purse, and with a surprised look, closed the purse again and said to me; “John, I swear this was not in my purse a moment ago” She reached in and pulled out a hand full of necklaces, and other jewelry.
Cable wire swinging in basement
Tony had come up from the basement patting his chest and looking scared. He said “I saw something move down there.” He grabbed a flashlight and we both went back down. He shined the light to the opposite side of the basement where there was a loop of cable line hanging from the ceiling against the wall. He said it was swinging about 6 inches back and forth.
Biscuits flipped in cups
When I make biscuits, I flip them on their sides out of the cups so the steam will escape and retain the crisp bottoms. I found all the biscuits had returned to the original position after I had flipped them. 03-08-13
Potato peeler
I was looking for a potato peeler when Kellie told me she threw out the old one. I mentioned that it’s good to have a backup in case the new one brakes. A couple minutes later I found the old potato peeler in the draining rack. I said “I thought you threw this one out.” Kellie looked surprised and said “I did. I threw it in the trash and it went to the curb”
Cabinet door shaking
04-03-13 My daughter and grandchildren came to visit me. My granddaughter Cheyenne came into the living room from the kitchen with her hand on her chest and looking a little upset. “Well, now I know why my mom says this house is so creepy” she said. I asked her “Why sweetheart? What happened” I followed her into the kitchen. She said she was playing with the cat on the floor next to a cabinet when the door suddenly started shaking back and forth. She showed me how it was rapidly moving back and forth about 3 or 4 inches. My daughter Alysha was reading this account when it happened.
Looking for thread
I had just gotten some needles from the store so I could mend my recliner where the upholstery was coming apart. I knew I had a package of about a dozen spools of thread at home and I went to the drawer where I had left it. I searched through the drawer but could not find it. I began to pull things out of the drawer till I had emptied the drawer half way. At this point I could easily see what was left in the drawer and the package of thread was not there. I wondered of I had put them in another drawer so I began looking the rest of the drawers but still could not find the thread. I thought to my self “I couldn’t have possibly missed it in the first drawer” but I decided to look again. When I pulled the drawer open, the package of thread was sitting on top, face up and impossible to miss.
The back door
Kellie and I were sitting in the living room when we both heard the back door swing wide open for a second and then close. A few seconds later, it happened again. We did not hear anyone come in, and the wind would not have blown the door open in that manner. If the wind had been strong enough to open the door that far, it would have been at least making noise all along, but that was the only sound we heard.
Well, that's the story of what's been happening in my house. About 90% of the people I have shared this story with, have had experiences of their own, and whether you want to believe it or now, there is a supernatural realm. I know about a dozen people, who have been in this house, who are convinced.
I thought it was all over, but things have started up again
The Flies
Recently, in August of 2016, I got up one morning and pulled up the blind in my bedroom window, and there were around 50 or 60 flies behind it. I quickly dropped the blinds again and went for the bug spray. Strangely enough, i got them all, but it took a lot of spray, and many applications.
Scratching at my Door
It’s September of 2016 now, and twice within the last couple weeks, I was sitting at my computer desk, when a sudden and loud scratching sound, like finger nails, started at my door, only about two feet from me. The first time, it happened and then stopped, and then did it again. I got up to open the door, but no one was around. Just a couple days ago, it happened again.