The Midtown Ads
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I create graphics for all needs. If you want web graphics, posters, flyers, t-shirt graphics, CD cover design, or any other graphics, please contact me.
On this page you will find logos, ads, and at the bottom of the page, moving commercials.
While putting together a commercial, there are many steps involved. First I must do some research on the subject and write a script. I also have to write music and even a jungle in some cases. The narration has to be recorded, and edited. Logo design may be necessary also, and the choreographing of photos and or videos must match the narration within the time allotted. Sound must be mixed so the narration is hearable about the music. Any lettering that is needed is finally laid in at relevant moments within the commercial.

Midtown Bail Bonds commercial 1
Midtown Bail Bonds commercial 2
Commercial for my music
CHRISTMAS time Commercial for my portraits
the story of "BLACK HOUSE"
portraits commercial
rock band "THE ZOMBIES"
Midtown Bail Bonds commercial 3
Spectrum School commercial
Midtown Bail Bonds Commercial 4
Andrea Neal - Real Estate Agent
These commercials are made for originally for internet. You can run them as many times as you want without additional cost. If you are interested in a commercial for your business, please contact me.

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image