Spaces is a game of skill and chance. It is easy to learn and is fast moving. The board is divided into three intertwined playing fields. The triangular matrix opens plenty of strategy and complexity of play and yet, it is a game a child could master. The game starts with one playing piece per player but can increase to three pieces per player. A very fun game.
The game board
The board is divided into three playing fields indicated by colors. The black spaces are NOT part of the playing field. The game is played with three white playing pieces, three black playing pieces and one standard six sided die.
The edges of the board
The colored stripes at the edge of the playing field are indicators of extensions of the board. When a player moves their piece to the edge of the board and if the colored stripe matched the space they are on, then, they have the option of moving to the direct opposite side of the board as indicated by the same color stripe. The move must be straight across the board and to the same color . There are 3 correct edge moves for each color as indicated by arrows in the picture. Moving across the board counts as moving 1 space.
Playing the game
Two players. Each player places one piece on the game board as indicated in the picture. This is called "start position".
Roll die to see who starts. High number rolls again to begin game. Move a piece the number of spaces staying within the starting color of the game. The move is over when the player gives the die to their opponent.
Object of the game
Try to land on your opponent's piece at the end of your move. You may only land on a piece that is on the same color you are on. Replace his piece with your piece and give your opponent's piece back to them so they can use it again. When your opponent has no more pieces on the board, you gain 1 point and the board is returned to “start position”. The winner of the bout begins the next bout. The first player to gain 6 points wins the game.
The center hexagon
The center hexagon is special. it is the only place on the board where a piece moves from one color to another. Otherwise, pieces must only move within the current color they are on. This is also the area of the board where a player can gain more playing pieces, up to three maximum. As a player moves their piece into the center hexagon and the black center space, the rest of the player's move is divided in two. Remember the number you counted the black space as and continue moving your piece to exit the hexagon. You must exit on a color other than the one you entered on. Now, take another one of your pieces that is not on the board and place it at the center black space. Starting from the number you counted as the black space, move this piece to the other color you did not come in on. Example - if you come in on red, you must exit on blue and green.
Notice that when you make your second pass through the center, you will not end up on all three colors. Whatever piece you chose to make your second pass will return a piece to the original color. It takes three passes to occupy all three colors, but it is not a requirement to do so. A bout could end long before acquiring three pieces.
EXAMPLE: White rolls a 5
You must be able to move all the way through the center hexagon in one move. You may not stop within the center hexagon. When a player gains a new piece, they roll the die again to move one piece to a safer position. (Note that when you pass through the center for the second time, you will end up with two pieces on one color and one on another.) If a player already has three pieces on the board, they may still move through the center hexagon to change color but they do not get an extra roll of the die. If you have gained a piece, and roll a number big enough, you can pass through the center again.
Note: As a courtesy, it is good to announce the color you are entering the center hexagon from. Example - "Going in on red." This will help to avoid confusion.
Special Rules
1. If the very first roll of a new bout is a 1, it is an instant win of that bout for the player who has rolled the die. The winner is awarded 1 point and rolls again to start another bout.This special rule is a result of the ability to pass thru the edge of the board.
2. You may NOT end up on the same space you started on at the beginning of your turn.
3. You may NOT land on any space twice within your turn.
4. You may NOT pass thru any space that is occupied by you or your opponent. This allows blocking strategy.
5. You may NOT end your move within the center hexagon.
6. You may NOT enter and exit the center hexagon unless you pass all the way thru and change color.
7. If a player has passed thru the center of the board AND has gained another piece in the process, they roll the die one more time to move one of their pieces to a safer position.
8. When a player's piece has been taken from the board, the piece is returned to them so it can be used again. The pieces are recycled over and over. As long as a player has one piece on the board, they can still pass through the center to gain more pieces. The maximum number a player can have at once is three, but the number of pieces used in a bout is unlimited.
9. Although I have never seen it happen, it is possible to trap your opponent. If he has only one piece on the board, and it is near an edge that he can not pass through, you can block his being able to move by occupying the two adjacent spaces next to the space that he is on. If your opponent does not roll a one to take one of the blocking pieces, the bout is over, a point is awarded, and the next bout starts.

White rolls a 5

Special Rule 9