Old child hood memories - The bedroom scene. Child hood memories are lovely & always will be! Everyone had a room full of toys at some point in their lives. The amount of love kids shared with their toys, including cuddly toys!
The garden scene. Includes the famous Teddy Bear picnic, old fashioned fences, Teddy Bears & fashion of that moment of time.

Inside of one of the Pop-up pages! 3D lungs including sound effects of breathing & coughing when you press the button on the left.
Dan made this incredible pop-up book. I think it should be published

Painting of my sister on her ventilator. You can play around with the face mask by moving it up & down.

All bugs where hand-painted by me.

Everyone who Suffers from Cystic Firbrosis will have an cupboard, which is full of many medication/drugs. This can be opened within the Pop-up book!
There are certain parts, which you can interact with by pulling various drugs around.


All Circus work was for an book store called Magma. It was an very fun project! But a lot of hard work too! This is poster one.
This is one of the best pieces of artwork I've done! I did it in hospital too lol when I was sick